Screw it!

Sometimes I just sit in my bedroom and stare at the walls wondering…

What the HELL was I thinking?

I’ve been obsessing over this room and how to FIX it for 2 months now. I’m about ready to drown my frustrations in vodka martinis and Lays potato chips, which is never a good thing. So before I drive myself absolutely insane over this, I have decided to for-get-IT! At least for now.

This weekend I intend to head back over to Rosa Leigh’s room for some fun finishing touches to her walls. 2 reasons:

1: Thanks to Uncle Sam, this month's budget is busted. So I need to do something free.
2: I love working in this room… it makes me feel like a little girl again. Pink and Aqua make great medicine!

So here is what we have so far:


And here is what I’m planning:
-Finish her photo board (ran out of ribbon)
-Paint a cute frame on the wall around it
-Paint the bookshelf from the playroom and move it in (I think)
-Hang pictures with maybe some cute mural above the bookshelf.

You will see a post of the results next week. God willing.

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